Learning through Life

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Hampshire, United Kingdom
I love how our day-to-day life can teach us lessons to help us understand our past, challenge our today, and inspire our future. We can learn through experiences, situations, conversations, songs, books, nature ... the list is endless! Live with eyes ready to see, ears ready to hear and a heart ready to be touched.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Masks (an extra little bit!)

After this week's posting about masks I was reminded of a Youtube clip shown at church a while ago.  It talks about the masks we put on and ... well ... why don't I just let you see for yourself?

The question left on my mind after watching this again, is not so much about what masks I put on, but whether my actions and attitudes encourage other people to discard their masks?

Do I cultivate a safe environment for them to do so?  

Do I give people time to say how they really are?  

Do I listen attentively and respond accordingly? 

Am I modelling a mask free life wherever possible?

Am I quick to judge?  

Do I try to understand?     

Do I care enough to enter into the hidden lives of people knowing it may be messy, difficult, painful?

Am I willing to let go of my own thoughts and agendas and ask Jesus what he would want me to do?

Am I prepared to show the love of Christ in all circumstances?

Successful and long-lasting discarding of masks involves more than the mask wearer - it requires the time, love, support, encouragement, effort etc of those around them.  Let's not expect action from others without being willing to give ourselves.


  1. Hi Jo

    Some great - and challenging questions. I think you're right - if we want other people to let down their masks, we need to be prepared to be vulnerable ourselves. I suspect it takes a lot of practice too - if you're anything like me, those masks are sometimes a default setting, especially when tired or nervous.

  2. good morning, jo!

    i loved your series on masks and have already been
    thinking about this subject. we, no doubt, wear masks
    that do not belong there and which may be hurting
    others and encouraging them to wear their own masks.

    the dilemma is spending too much time thinking about
    myself. when i walk before the Lord humbly and by
    faith, He will tell me when i need to protect myself and
    when i need to make myself vulnerable.

    i just need to listen, and there's the rub!

  3. To live authentically .... without a mask or something to hide behind.

  4. Living with chronic pain, I have many people in my life who ask but don't listen. I've perfected my "I'm fine." Your questions have me wondering how many times I do the same to other. Your questions will keep me more aware of the pain of others, whether physical or spiritual.


What do you think? I would love to read your thoughts

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